So here's a few of my fave images that I've put up in the past couple of weeks. The top left shows a couple of illustrations when I'd just started them. I then slowly started adding features and then adding a print on the scarves. This takes a lot of time and there's so many moments where I just don't feel that a piece of my work is even good enough to show anyone. But a lot of the time I'll keep working on the same design and eventually I end up liking it.
I even uploaded photos of my desk where I'm using products with my own designs that are available on Society6 and Art Rookie, which I'm absolutely loving! The quality of these products is so good and of course they are printed only after orders, which makes them very unique!
If there's one other thing I love taking photos of, it's the beautiful pattern and colour of the skies that rarely occurs. The most simplest things like this can give me so much inspiration throughout the day, and I've kept a collection of these photos from over the years.
Anyway here's a selection of my favourite Instagram posts over the past fortnight. If you'd like to see more of the photos of my inspirations, workspace, or how I create my illustrations just drop me a comment below. Hope you all have a lovely festive weekend before Christmas, xo
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