
Tuesday, 29 March 2016

Starting a New Business Venture

We've all got dreams and goals, no matter how different they are. We all have so many different things that make us happy and make us feel content. Some of us may plan these things with to-do lists, little sticky notes, making mental notes, and even crossing these things off. But how many of you actually complete the tasks you've always wanted to do? Maybe some things you can't complete, if they are long term goals, maybe they could take months, even years to build up.

Isn't it such a scary thought? To go after something you've always dreamt off and wanted, yet knowing that you could simply fail and lose it all. Maybe you feel as if not going after it will be better, as you won't be defeated and be disappointed. Thing is, if you don't ever go after your dreams you'll never really know. And those hopeful dreams will gradually turn into doubts and regrets and you wondering about what you could have done better, more of or just simply DONE.

After finishing university there were so many things that I wanted to do, but I just didn't really know what direction to go in, what to do first, or what I'd really love to do and enjoy. So I procrastinated for a really long time. I carried on with my day job and being completely unhappy every single day. I thought about all the things I could do and what would make me happy. Yet I did not do anything about it for a really long time. I guess I had the same worries so many other young people have. Money and finance, failure, not being fully clued up, getting stuck, feeling alone, there's just SO many things to think about.

And then one day I just decided to go for it and dive into the deep end. I didn't really have much to lose and if I was already completely unhappy there was no point carrying on the same way. So I put more time into designing and planning a collection. I sat for hours sometimes just procrastinating and planning, feeling lost. Yet every single time I felt like I wasn't getting anywhere, I was moving one step forward. I was definitely the most nervous and worried I'd ever been, yet I was so excited for this scary, unknown venture that was giving me butterflies.

I read a pile of books on branding, building a collection, and starting a business. I searched for suppliers and decided what products I wanted to get made with my designs. I got clued up on how to build my own website and planned how I wanted it to look. There was so much planning to do, so many decisions to make, and of course I'm still making them as I go along. I spent most of my time trying to get one step further, and by doing so I realised that sometimes the place you think you want to get to isn't actually where you want to be. But the more you research and the more chances you take, the more you will discover about what is the best route to take.

Once I'd completed some of the things I was previously scared of, I realised that I felt so much better. That it wasn't actually as nerve wracking as I thought it would be. And I realised that I had learnt something completely new and grown as a person. I've come to realise more of my strengths and weaknesses, I've found out how I work best and what I actually like doing, and what I despise but I am actually quite good at. I've still got SUCH a long way to do, SO much more to learn and SO many goals I've not yet achieved.

But if you've been thinking about doing something you've always dreamt off but you're not so sure, just take a chance and just go for it! Of course there will be things that will get in your way and obstacles that you've not expected. But if you don't atleast try you'll never really know what you're capable of. There's so much help out there you've just got to look for it and ask for help as you go along. Maybe you don't see it know but you'll learn so much about yourself and even if the end goal changes, or you don't get there, you will definitely get something positive out of it! xo

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